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The client

Assura is FTSE 250-listed UK real estate investment trust (“REIT”) specialising in the development of, investment in and management of a portfolio of primary care, diagnostic and treatment buildings across the UK. Its purpose is to BUILD for health, with a vision of being the UK’s number one listed property business for long-term social impact and sustainability.

The challenge

Assura has been committed to social impact and sustainability for a number of years, but was seeking a way to better tell its story and engage with a range of audiences and key stakeholders. It wanted to do this through the launch of a new ESG strategy that inspired, had integrity and brought people on the journey, both internally and externally.

The solution

Social’s specialist ESG and sustainability team led on the design and development of a new approach that ties together the various strands of Assura’s ESG activity, messaging, documents and disclosure into one place and under one banner – The Bigger Picture.
This included an in-depth discovery and strategy phase, which include stakeholder engagement with staff, investors, customers and suppliers, to establish and develop ESG priorities and then the strategy is built around three impact themes, or pillars, each with their own impact targets – these themes are Healthy Environment, Healthy Communities and Healthy Business. The Bigger Picture reflects Assura’s prioritisation of ESG integration. It is underpinned by a set of metrics and a robust strategic approach that is part of Assura’s core business.
Along with the strategy work, Social developed branding and communications strategy for The Bigger Picture, from a new online hub through to support with all content, regular impact reporting, social assets and launch event.

The impact

The Bigger Picture has put ESG, sustainability and impact front and centre for Assura. It has brought Assura’s ambition and people together through a single initiative. It has engaged internal staff and investors alike around a shared purpose. Not only does it help Assura think big, be intentional and increase the focus on accountability – it also demonstrates how Assura is managing ESG risks in a way that makes it a stronger business, delivering enhanced performance and ultimately more value to stakeholders. By considering how Assura fits into the bigger picture, the company can identify ways to use our strengths and expertise to make a more significant contribution to addressing climate change, supporting healthy communities and ensuring we continue to be a robust and successful business.