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For me, October has always felt a little scary; no, I’m not talking about the Halloween costumes and dreaded thriller movies at this time of year – I’m talking about the fast-approaching countdown to MIPIM!

In the trade & investment and real estate sector, MIPIM, the annual international property showcase in Cannes, is one of the highest-profile events in the calendar. Here at Social, we know just how critical it is to businesses for creating opportunities, driving innovation, and forging strong relationships.

If you’ve ever experienced MIPIM, you’ll know that it’s hailed as one of the ‘best’ in-person real estate and international trade and investment events for a reason. It’s where you go to make formidable connections, grow your personal brand and your company’s presence and establish yourself as a thought-leader in your particular niche.

Earlier this year, after a three-year hiatus, MIPIM returned to the Palais Des Festivals. There was plenty of excitement and speculation around what a post-pandemic event would actually look like, and feedback from delegates from across the UK has been extremely positive.

But what do people get out of attending – apart from the chance to spend a few days in Cannes, of course?

Our clients and contacts go to MIPIM because of the high calibre of attendees and the international platform it offers to enable businesses to attract inward investment, generate economic growth and drive a more sustainable and inclusive culture within the property and construction industry.

At Social, we understand the power of MIPIM and we’ve discovered how to make the best of the experience. For me personally, it’s always been a hugely rewarding week meeting new and existing contacts, listening to new strategies and plans and appreciating the talent and enthusiasm of the real estate industry.

Now, as we head towards November, we are already seeing confirmation from contacts across the public and private sector about their commitment to attend MIPIM 2023. And with so much to do and see, it’s vital that you have your visit planned-out before you step on the plane.

Have you thought about how to make the best of your MIPIM experience yet?  We’ve taken a look at some of the key areas you can focus on to help generate a significant work pipeline during a week on the Riviera.

Should I stay or should I go?

Before you make a commitment to attend, you need to ensure you know exactly why you are attending. You need to know from the outset what you want to get from the event – what will make the trip a success? Is it to network with key individuals? Announce key developments from your region or company? Or perhaps to hear from international delegates on their trade and investment activity? To deliver impactful results, all objectives should be planned and agreed at the outset.

Plan, plan, plan!

Now that you know exactly why you want to go and who will be attending, you need to ensure you begin planning with military precision.

Want to ensure your region cuts through the noise and is profiled as THE place to live, work and invest? Well, you need to ensure that your messaging is on point! Want to promote your key development sites? Then make sure your collateral is top notch! Or, if the most important thing to you is being ‘seen’ there, make sure your profile is up-to date across all your social media platforms and spread the word!

It’s key to organise your schedule before you board your flight. Make sure your meetings are planned in advance and confirm where you will meet. Use the MIPIM database to full advantage; the Palais and its surrounding areas can be VERY busy places so make sure you know where everything is located well in advance.

Be strategic

Many people go to MIPIM with a full diary of meetings and networking events and come back to the UK completely burnt out and anecdotally having had a bad experience. Be realistic with your goals and protect your time wisely; be ruthless about what you need to engage in and what you can afford to miss. Get together a good mix of panel discussions, networking events and one-to-one conversations. And remember to leave lots of time in between appointments – that’s often where la magie opère!

Pre-prepare your PR

If you’re looking to stand out from the crowd and really cut-through the noise this MIPIM, you’ll need to have your PR in place and ready to go.

Arrange some meetings with journalists; often, MIPIM may be the only chance you get to talk to some leading property editors and correspondents ‘in person’, and if you are meeting with journalists during your trip, make sure you know what you want to talk about with them and what key points you want to make.

Pre-prepare your news and announcements so that you can be part of the conversation while it’s still happening. Target your media and speak to them in advance so they know to expect your story – that way, you’ll be able to capture people’s attention while they’re away from their desks!

Hotel please!

Pretty obvious right? However, so many people leave this to the last minute and find themselves a considerable way out of the main area, meaning a few expensive taxi rides throughout the week!

Thinking about how you can reduce your carbon footprint by travelling by train? Many people took this more sustainable option for 2022 and it proved to be a huge success. Or, you could travel by bicycle! Many companies offer a ‘cycle to MIPIM’ experience that you may want to be involved in.

Shout about it!

Before you actually ‘go’, telling people that you’re going is a great way to start networking before you even touch down. For me personally, key conversations can take place as soon as you hit the departure lounge! As well as dropping your plans into your day-to-day conversation, consider announcing it on your social media platforms or use the MIPIM database as a tool to connect with attendees ahead of the event.

Once you land, you will need to hit the ground running but remember, the key is to stay committed! Make sure you turn up to everything you planned to attend and that your calendar is in the right time zone! Take hundreds of photos and make sure the best ones get onto social media with the relevant hashtags, and make note of the people you’ve met, things you’ve learned, key takeaways and plans to put into action when you get home.

But most of all, be open to new possibilities and enjoy the experience!

There’s no doubt about it – MIPIM is a significant commitment, both in terms of time and money. And for the built environment or the public sector, giving it the level of planning and organisation it needs is a huge ask alongside your day-to-day tasks and to-do lists.

If you need some help getting it ready and right this year, we can help. We offer several MIPIM packages for clients, ranging from developing your key messages and inward investment offer to delivering bespoke receptions on the beach – or the full end-to-end service that will take you right through the MIPIM experience from concept to completion.

We look forward to seeing you there!

If you’d like to find out more about how Social provides support at MIPIM and other events, please contact senior account manager Katie Paterson at