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The long, long months of lockdown have given people the chance to learn new languages, transform their gardens or master the art of baking. I’m still terrible at all of those things, so I’ve spent most of my spare time reading.

This Tuesday, I was lucky enough to be asked to take part in a round table with the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) chaired by Rt Hon Nick Raynsford. 

My name’s Margaret and I’m an aquaholic. It’s been 14 weeks since my last swim and it’s driving me crazy!

There is one overriding purpose to government at the moment and that’s injecting confidence back into UK PLC.

Having listened to the Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s ‘Summer Economic Update’, I am reminded of the saying: ‘There’s no such thing as a free lunch’.

I wouldn’t say I am a gardener but have never felt that cutting the lawn or watering a few plants was a chore. Who knew that nearly a year to the day we moved into our new home how important the garden would become to us as a family and me personally?

Patient lobbying and the long, hard graft of campaigning cannot compete with the power, reach and natural eloquence of today’s athlete activism.

Build, build, build. The government is moving fast and breaking things again. The planning system is to be reformed. The red tape bonfire has

Our guide to the handy apps and websites that are out there that will help make your social media run that little bit smoother, or get some more of those ever coveted “double taps”

Big government has never been more fashionable. With unprecedented state interventions, massive government spending sprees and bailouts dominating the news bulletins, Whitehall’s levers of power have gone into overdrive.

Has COVID-19 given us the impetus to realise what we can achieve?

In recent times, as we all continue to navigate through the pandemic, I have found myself delving deeper into music and appreciating how it encourages connectivity, motivation, and entertainment.