Social’s specialist ESG and sustainability team led on the design and development of a new approach that ties together the various strands of Assura’s ESG activity, messaging, documents and disclosure into one place and under one banner – The Bigger Picture.
This included an in-depth discovery and strategy phase, which include stakeholder engagement with staff, investors, customers and suppliers, to establish and develop ESG priorities and then the strategy is built around three impact themes, or pillars, each with their own impact targets – these themes are Healthy Environment, Healthy Communities and Healthy Business. The Bigger Picture reflects Assura’s prioritisation of ESG integration. It is underpinned by a set of metrics and a robust strategic approach that is part of Assura’s core business.
Along with the strategy work, Social developed branding and communications strategy for The Bigger Picture, from a new online hub through to support with all content, regular impact reporting, social assets and launch event.